Solar Opposites: Season 5 (2024) Cre: Mike McMahon

This Mike McMahon created show has quietly gone about its business as one of the more underrated animated series currently streaming. For those who have read my reviews on the prior four seasons, you'll be aware that it took some time to win me over, but by this point in the show's life-cycle, I was fully on-board.

One thing that became abundantly clear this season, was that there were some really random episodes. The show is, of course, rather silly and strange by nature, but these episodes felt odd even for all of that. I didn't mind them, in fairness, but it certainly took a second to get into the same gear as the show.

The narratives that the show utilised were a mixed bag for me. The episodic storylines were entertaining enough, but the season arcs were a little weaker than previously; particularly the tiny people subplot, which had been one of the show's strengths previously.

I also found the season's finale a little bit random, and somewhat underwhelming, to be honest. The tiny people finale was kind of jarring - I'm not sure if I liked it. The main finale just didn't feel like a season-ender though. I do wonder how many seasons this show has left before it runs out of steam - perhaps two more? Time will tell.

Overall, this was a solid but not exceptional season of television, which had its ups and downs, much like the show in general. I enjoyed it a fair bit, though I think I prefer the previous seasons a little more. That said, I still look forward to a sixth season, likely coming next year.
