The Thing (1982) Dir: John Carpenter
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John Carpenter is an iconic director and a legend of the horror genre, and this 1982 release may just be his most significant contribution to the genre.
The physical effects are cheesy and symbolic of the time, but I honestly find it endearing and enjoyable. A lot of the camerawork and shots still hold up well today, testament to Carpernter's directorial vision.
The narrative is relatively simple in its setup, but is executed very well. An abundance of tension, as well as an ambiguous, mysterious ending create what is a suspenseful and well-worked 80s horror.
Kurt Russell is the typical, stoic, American badass character and plays the role very solidly. He provides what is one of his best performances in my opinion - carrying the film steadily with a brooding yet intelligent display.
Keith David is far and away the best of the rest in the cast. He has some particularly good scenes in the second half of the film.
Wilford Brimley doesn't have the biggest role, but still made a significant enough impact to warrant his own mention. I thought the way he portrayed his character was near perfect for what it needed to be.
I'd also like to mention David Clennon, T.K. Carter, Richard Masur, Charles Hallahan, Richard Dysart, Thomas G. Waites and Joel Polis, who all deserved credit in their supporting roles.
Overall, it is so clear why this film is adored by the horror community, and indeed the wider cinematic community. Its a brilliantly suspenseful horror with some great moments and superb pacing.