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The Man From U.N.C.L.E (2015) Dir: Guy Ritchie

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Guy Ritchie feels like he should be a good director, but almost every time I've seen one of his film's, I end up at least a little disappointed.

It's not to say that this film specifically was bad, but I was still left feeling a bit unfulfilled regardless.

There was the typical Ritchie comedy which works about seventy percent of the time, there was the story telling that is as entertaining as it can be sloppy, and then there was the pacing, which seemed to never slow down - something that both helped and hampered the film.

Henry Cavill was good, but relatively unremarkable in his leading role. I just felt unbothered by what was a rather samey character for him.

The controversial Armie Hammer felt like a strange casting choice in his role, and while I didn't hate his performance, I still think someone else could have done it better.

Alicia Vikander was solid but, similarly to her co-stars, not overly memorable or spectacular. She was good, not great.

The other noteworthy faces include Elizabeth Debicki, Hugh Grant, Jared Harris, Sylvester Groth and Marianna Di Martino.

Overall, this was a fun and relatively funny spy film that never quite reached the comedic or thrilling heights that it could have. Nonetheless, a solid enough film.


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