Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Season 2 (2023) Cre: Dave Filoni
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This follow up season to the spin-off show that emerged in the post-Disney buyout of Lucasfilm had me immensely excited, following the enjoyable debut season.
My expectations were relatively lofty, after all, the aforementioned first season, as well as The Clone Wars show I hold so dear, are sentimental favourites of mine. Thankfully, I would say season 2 surpassed season 1 quite handily.

This season is comprised of 16 episodes, and features further updated visuals that look excellent. It's impressive to see how far they've come since 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' series. The soundtrack is superb, especially for episode 3.
Throughout the episodes, the series features darker themes in line with the final season of The Clone Wars. The overall arc has a great many surprises, twists and smaller moments, which make for some very enjoyable and exciting scenes.

Interlaced along the main arc are some really cool one-off episodes. Furthermore, there is a great cliffhanger ending thsy sets up a third season very effectively.
Overall, this was a step up from what had already been a strong debut season, which bodes very well for the future of this show.
