Star Wars: Rebels - Season 2 (2015) Cre: Dave Filoni

The first time I tried to watch this show, I got bored after the first season and subsequently stopped watching. This time, although I still wasn't entirely enamored with the show, I was determined to get through it.
After a decent couple of episodes to start the season, things took a brief, but noticeable, dip in quality. Thankfully, this dip only lasted an episode and a half, before returning to its former level. From that point onwards, the episodes were pretty solid, certainly moreso than the first season, in any case.

Some of the emotional story arcs were genuinely quite powerful, which I wasn't necessarily expecting. I think it helped ground the series a little, and definitely allowed me to invest in the show and its characters a lot more than I had done before.
The final few episodes were the best of the show thus far, with thrilling action, an intriguing narrative and two really fun surprises that made the season-ending arc extremely exciting. I absolutely loved the final two episodes in particular, which had some truly epic moments.

The show's ending also left the audience with a number of narrative strings to pull on come season 3, which I was now a lot more excited for than either of the previous seasons of the show. It capitalised on a mix of popular Star Wars characters, Clone Wars storylines and even some lesser-known Star Wars lore to deliver an excellent conclusion.
Overall, I think I finally saw what others enjoyed so much about this series. Where season 1 left apathy, season 2 gave me thrills. I can only hope that the third and penultimate season of the show continued to trend in that positive direction.
