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Star Wars: Rebels - Season 1 (2014) Cre: Dave Filoni

Debuting less than a year after the ever-popular Clone Wars series was cancelled, the Star Wars fanbase was presented with this new animated series, which released 15 episodes for its inaugural season.

I must confess, when I watched this back then, I wasn't entirely convinced, so much so that I only ever watched the first season. Having worked my way through just about every other piece of canonical Star Wars content on Disney Plus, I decided it was time to revisit this show.

The only parts of the season I remembered from watching it the first time, were the first two episodes. Beyond that, I remembered very little. It's most definitely more children-oriented than other Star Wars productions, despite those others near-enough all being targeted at families.

The episodes are all entertaining enough, although they fail to intrigue me as much as they could have. However, credit where credit is due, the end-of-season cliffhanger was really cool. It certainly made season 2 more appealing.

I think my main issue is how childish the show feels, although I do accept that, as an adult, I'm not really the target audience for this series anymore. I can certainly see the appeal for a younger audience.

Overall, this was a relatively good show with some fun moments, but this first season was not what I had hoped for, in a lot of ways. That said, I will still watch season 2, if only to see what happens in the end.


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