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Russian Doll: Season 1 (2019) Cre: Natasha Lyonne, Leslye Headland & Amy Poehler

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Created by Natasha Lyonne, Leslye Headland and Amy Poehler, this Netflix original series is an odd creation with plenty of humour and surprisingly deep-set emotional themes. It's also a very quick watch, seeing as it has just 8 episodes in its debut season, and all of them under the 30 minute mark.

The story is bizarre but very interesting. I think the show finds a good balance between humour and serious plot development, making for a very entertaining watch.

Natasha Lyonne, of 'Orange Is The New Black' fame, stars as the show's protagonist. She gives a good account of herself here, with a humorous performance as a loud-mouthed and cynical New Yorker.

Charlie Barnett started out a little weak, but quickly got up to speed, and had a number of very funny moments.

Greta Lee was my favourite performer of the series though, she was just so casually funny and likeable, and I found myself enjoying just about every scene she was in.

Jeremy Bobb was far less likable, but deliberately so. As far as his role requirements go, he pretty much nailed what he needed to do.

I'll also mention some of the other notables among the cast; Chloë Sevigny, Rebecca Henderson, Yul Vazquez and Elizabeth Ashley.

Overall, this was a strange but enjoyable season, with a lot of intriguing questions, answers and moral dilemmas, which I enjoyed experiencing through the story presented. I'm very much looking forward to the second season.


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