The Dish (2000) Dir: Rob Sitch
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This Rob Sitch historical comedy drama is one of those films I watched once as a child and all but forgot about in the years since. It was by chance that I came to revisit it over a decade later, but I was still more than happy to see how much kd enjoy it as an adult.
I'd forgotten that the film had so much comedy in it, but this was something I genuinely delighted in. The film was full of classic Aussie humour, which I must say I enjoyed very much. I thought it suited the rather lighthearted nature of the story wonderfully.
The film has so many small, seemingly insignificant moments, which come together to make a delightful story which was surprisingly full of heart. There was maybe a few pacing issues, but only due to the relatively relaxed nature of the story. It did a wonderful job of relaying the global impact of one of, if not the, biggest moments in human history.
Sam Neill provided a warm and witty protagonist for a warm and witty film. He had a soft nature to him that permeated the rest of the film and typified the light and wondrous nature of the story. I wouldn't say it was an exceptional performance, but I still liked watching him a lot.
Patrick Warburton's accent was a little artificial, even though he was playing an American character, but I still enjoyed his performance a fair amount. He had good chemistry with his co-stars, and was didn't feel left behind with the wit.
I enjoyed the slightly smaller supporting roles, performed by the likes of Kevin Harrington, Tom Long, Eliza Szonert, Roy Billing and Taylor Kane. I thought that Harrington in particular had the comedy down, but, in truth, all of them did a good job of providing humorous and likable characters.
Overall, I thought this was a really nice feel-good film, which captured the excitement and drama that encapsulated the moonlanding around the world. It's a film that might, ironically, go under the radar for most people, but I really think its worth the watch if you're in the mood for something light.
