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Ridley Coote

Take Me (2017) Dir: Pat Healy

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When I say this film took me by surprise, I don't think I can emphasise it enough. In truth, I had no idea what I had put on to watch, as it was a spur of the moment, random choice, but boy did I get taken for a wild ride here.

Director and lead actor Pat Healy presents audiences with a bizarre, hilarious and slightly disturbing dark comedy that races by and leaves you a little taken aback by the time the credits roll.

At less than 90 minutes, this film races by, and that is mostly a testament to the level of entertainment that is provided on such a consistent basis.

The narrative is wild and insanely funny, with a very enjoyable sense of unpredictability and uncertainty that makes the events and eventual outcome all the more funny and strange.

As illuded to above, director Pat Healy also stars as the film's protagonist, and provides a bit of an odd, if not negative performance. He had a very strange on-screen presence, which only emphasised his character's peculiar nature and mannerisms.

Taylor Schilling of Orange Is The New Black fame also stars, and provides an amazingly unhinged performance that was somehow scary, comical and alluring all in one. She understood the assignment, and absolutely nailed this role.

I'll also give very quick mentions to two of the standouts from the very small supporting cast; Alycia Delmore and Jim O'Heir.

Overall, this is one of those films that will keep you on the edge of your seat with how insane it is, let alone with how sneakily well it develops the mystery of the story and its characters.


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