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Possession (1981) Dir: Andrzej Żuławski

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Andrzej Żuławski's strange and sinister horror is one I had hoped to watch for some time. The film serves as a metaphorical and literal allegory of toxicity in relationships, with the key themes of distrust and alienation being integral parts of the story.

The narrative, which is very intriguing, builds with a wild intensity, but not so wild that audiences won't understand what is happening.

The camerawork is simple, but effectively furthers the storytelling through its unsteady nature. The use of physical effects is John Carpenter-esque, and adds exponentially to the impact of the horror in the film.

Isabelle Adjani gives a superb performance, which sits among the best in horror. She executes the wild escalations in her primary character's persona with a feverish brilliance. She also manages to distinguish her other character well enough so that any confusion that may have been caused is minimal.

Sam Neill shows a lesser-seen but much appreciated wilder side of his acting in what is one of his earlier leading roles. He reflects and responds to Adjani's unhinged acting with equal abandon, which results in the pair feeling utterly devoid of sanity, as was expected of their characters.

Heinz Bennent is ostentatious and flamboyant to the enth degree - which offsets Neill's character perfectly. His hyperbolic performance was exactly what was needed to emphasise the differences and the metaphors of the two male protagonists.

Overall, this was a unique and mysterious film with some truly bizarre elements that make it all the more memorable.

The presentation of the themes in the film is exquisite, and the story developments are cleverly done. This is a fantastic and underrated horror.


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