The Evil Dead (1981) Dir: Sam Raimi
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Sam Raimi's iconic 1981 film is a must-watch for fans of horror, and is highly influential in the genre as a whole. It used simple but highly effective scare techniques to develop a sense of dread and foreboding for the audience.
The film goes under 90 minutes, which honestly is perfect for the nature of the film. The film is full of blood, guts and gore, all done with glorious physical effects.
The story has a lot more to it than meets the eye, but keeps it simple enough to keep the plot focused on the horror and action sequences.
Bruce Campbell is excellent as the film's protagonist, his facial expressions are brilliant and his commitment to the role commendable.
The rest of the cast, though definitively supporting in the nature of their roles, were all relatively strong, and those most notable are Richard DeManincor, Ellen Sandweiss, Betsy Baker and Teresa Tilly.
Overall, it is clear to see why this was such an influential piece of horror, that spawned several sequels and a series. I loved it, and would consider it right up there among the best horror films of the 20th century.