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Zodiac (2007) Dir: David Fincher

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In this film adapted from the book of the same name, David Fincher tells the story of the infamous Zodiac Killer. Now, it's worth mentioning for those that don't know, the case has never officially been closed.

That said, this film, and indeed the book it is based upon, do present their prime suspect in the story, rather than necessarily leaving it open. I don't think that's a bad thing, just worth bearing in mind.

The narrative is very well crafted and oozes suspense and intrigue. That said, with a run time of 2 hour 37 minutes, this one can drag at points - particularly in the second half unfortunately.

The pacing is pretty slow throughout, which is fine, but those with a shorter attention span may struggle to watch this in one go.

Jake Ghyllenhaal heads up this story, giving a really solid performance here - there are definite glimpses of the acting prowess he would display in films like Prisoners in the coming years.

Mark Ruffalo has a pretty big role in this one too, I have never really held him in as high regard as some other actors, but he's decent enough in this for what it's worth.

Robert Downey Jr also features in this film prevalently, his performance is very good, though with context of his own life in the years prior, it's almost uncomfortable at points. But maybe that's just me.

This film also features John Carroll Lynch, who gives my favourite performance of the whole film, he is just brilliant. Finally, I'll mention Chloë Sevigny, who has a smaller role, bur performs well regardless.

This is one of those films that true crime fans and David Fincher fans will pretty much all love, though its worth prepping yourself with snacks, drinks and maybe a friend to make it less of a drag in the slow bits.


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