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Weird Science (1985) Dir: John Hughes

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So, I'm a big fan of those iconic films of the 80s, including The Breakfast Club, Stand By Me and The Goonies.

This is one I've always seen and heard things about but never managed to watch. I finally got the opportunity to and honestly, it was a little bit of a mixed bag.

I'll start with the positives. The film has a typical John Hughes, quirky and over the top 80s feel, which, matched with the undeniably funky 80s soundtrack, makes for a very entertaining watch.

The narrative is a bit all over the place and ridiculous, but once again, that fits the style of the time and doesn't take away from the film.

However, as illuded to, there are some real hang ups here for me, mainly with some of the dialogue.

At times, the jokes and language have not aged well at all: with some examples being the use of homophobic slurs and repeated misogynistic remarks and undertones. Not to mention the obvious paedophilic implications.

Now, I appreciate this film was made nearly 40 years ago, but it still makes it rather uncomfortable to watch at points.

As far as the acting goes, Anthony Michael Hall, who was a regular casting choice of Hughes in the 80s, stars here, his personality and over the top acting fitting perfectly into the style of this one.

Ilan Mitchell-Smith struggles to match his co-star, but still gives an entertaining enough performance. Kelly LeBrock has her moments, but doesn't set the world on fire in her role.

A youthful Robert Downey Jr appears in a bit of strange role where his character doesn't really fit into the role you would expect and kind of drifts between character archetypes.

Bill Paxton committed to his character brilliantly, and whilst his performance is not amazing, he did what was needed of him. Finally, Suzanne Snyder and Judie Aronson both give middling performances in their relatively small supporting parts.

Overall, like I said earlier, this one was a real mixed bag. On one hand you have the fun and extravagant 80s style and story, but on the other you have some dodgy dialogue and undertones that can really take away from your viewing experience.

This is probably my least favourite Hughes film that I've seen so far, but it isn't bad by any means.


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