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The Suicide Squad (2021) Dir: James Gunn

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The first thing to say about this film is that it is truly bonkers. Previous DC cinematic universe attempts have perhaps been guilty of being too serious - this has no such issue. It doesn't take itself too seriously, which I believe is to its advantage.

There's a lot of over the top, gory action which, if you're okay with it, is actually pretty hilarious. Sometimes gore like this can be unnecessary and gratuitous, but I'd say in this instance it works. A more PG feel would've taken away from the overall film.

The next thing I want to talk about is just how insanely good the cast is. Idris Elba and Margot Robbie are the star performers here, while John Cena and David Dastmalchian provide some great moments of both serious acting and comedic relief.

Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis and Jai Courtney all return from the previous Suicide Squad film, Kinnamon being the standout. Daniela Melchior is an unexpected high point of this film, her character providing some really entertaining moments.

Sylvester Stallone voices King Shark, which is both weird but great. Finally, Peter Capaldi also appears along side a whole host of other big names like Taika Waititi, Pete Davidson, Nathan Fillion and Michael Rooker.

The narrative was simple enough, and allowed for a lot of breathing room for smaller plot points and arcs to develop. I really enjoyed some of the little moments that occurred throughout this film, each character felt like they had their own moment.

I'd say just about all the dramatic moments hit home pretty well, with the lighter moments allowing those to breathe and be both processed and appreciated.

This film is by no means perfect, but the negatives are really minor and don't really take away from what is a very fun and entertaining film.

I would say it is definitely the best DC film from the cinematic universe. It is very much worth the watch in my opinion.


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