The Meg (2018) Dir: Jon Turteltaub
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Despite its pretty poor reviews, I've wanted to see this Jon Turteltaub directed shark film for a while - it just looked like so much fun. Did I expect a five-star classic piece of cinema? Of course not, but I was still excited to see how absurd and enjoyable it would be. I had a good feeling about it.
The film gets straight into the action and rarely slows down from that point on. It was an absurd thrill ride, full of ridiculous action, silly comedy and a lot of predictable jump scares. Despite all this, I had an absolutely corking time with it. Honestly, the film was so much fun.
The dialogue was corny and the story lacked any real logic, but it couldn't have mattered less. The point of this film was not to win awards, it was to entertain audiences. Even so, I can't pretend like this film's narrative or screenplay made much sense.
Jason Statham may be extremely one dimensional as an actor, but he is at least an entertaining one dimensional actor. He seems to acknowledge and accept this about himself too, which allows him to thrive in over-the-top films like this one.
Li Bingbing made for an interesting supporting character, though her performance wasn't all that good, for the most part. Despite this I still enjoyed her role, and I thought she had a surprising amount of chemistry with Statham.
Beyond these two, the most notable performances from the supporting cast came from Rainn Wilson, Cliff Curtis and Ruby Rose. Their performances weren't excellent, but I was still entertained regardless.
As for the rest of the cast, the ones who deserve mentions were the likes of Jessica McNamee, Shuya Sophia Cai, Winston Chao, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Page Kennedy, Robert Taylor and Masi Oka.
Overall, while this definitely wasn't a great film critically speaking, I can't deny that I was extremely entertained, which, after all, was the film's main purpose. In that regard, the film was great. It's a good old "leave your brain at the door" action film, and it knows it. I was hoping to enjoy it, even if I didn't expect a quality film, but I didn't think I'd like it as much as I did.
