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The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021) Dir: Patrick Hughes

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So, this is a predictably made sequel to what was a mediocre, albeit fun action comedy. These kind of films are basically guaranteed to spawn sequels because of how easy to profit off them they are. Particularly with the cast they have.

Speaking of which, the acting in this was definitely not the film's strength. Ryan Reynolds plays himself yet again in a film, and honestly the novelty of his delivery and performance is waning thin on me.

Samuel L. Jackson is an actor I really enjoy, but make no mistake, this is a bad performance from him. Salma Hayek also seems to be playing some parody of herself and it just doesn't work.

Morgan Freeman's character seemed to be created purely for a joke that doesn't really even hit that well.

Antonio Banderas plays a quite frankly boring character who feels overly serious, again giving an almost parody-like performance.

Tom Hopper, who some may know from The Umbrella Academy, is devoid of any charisma in this role, which is a real shame.

And finally, Frank Grillo gives a mediocre performance in his supporting role - another boring character to be honest.

Patrick Hughes has not really sold me on him as a director here. I had low expectations for this film but rather disappointingly, this is worse than I had expected.


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