The Godfather: Part II (1974) Dir: Francis Ford Coppola
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Prior to this viewing, I had only ever seen the first part of this epic Francis Ford Coppola directed trilogy. I know that, for many, this second part is considered the best of the three, which seemed absurd, considering how good the first part is. Regardless, I knew that I was in for something special, despite knowing very little about the story from this point on.
The score by Nino Rota is once more beautifully composed, and illustrates the tragedy and emotion of this sequel so astutely. Much like the first film, the score is perfectly in tune with the themes and the events that take place - every time you here that main theme, it reminds you not only of the importance of that scene, but of the overarching story taking place.
The pacing of the film is masterful. I had been worried by the extensive runtime, being comfortably over three hours, but at no point did I feel it. The jumps between narratives served the film well, in that aspect, though each arc had momentum enough to carry the film forward even furing the quieter scenes, so to speak.
The film is a fascinating depiction of the rise and fall of a mafia dynasty in all its vivid melodrama. There's more tragedy, more intrigue, more betrayal and more treachery. The story is full of cunning developments, as the audience tries to keep up with the fast-thinking mob boss and his father's rise to Don.
Al Pacino continued in much the same exquisite form as he had done in the first film. I found it very impressive how subtly he continued to show the evolution of his character, as well as how impactful those few times where his character explodes are. Furthermore, there's a lot to be said about how good Pacino's facial expressions are in this film in particular - they do so much of the storytelling so well.
I wasn't ready for how good a performance Robert De Niro would give as the younger Vito Corleone. It was incredible. If it hadn't been De Niro's face, I'd have thought the voice belonged to Marlon Brando. It was really a very impressive display of acting from the man. This was a great example of the kind of talent that has earned De Niro such a good acting reputation.
Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton and John Cazale were the best of a stellar supporting cast. Each one of them gave a new rinkle to their respective characters and performances, which I found extremely enjoyable to note. I was also very much a fan of the trio of Talia Shire, Lee Strasberg and G. D. Spradlin, for their brief but effective performances.
Overall, I see why so many people like this film more than the first part - honestly, I think I do too. There's an argument to be had about whether or not it's the best gangster film of all time, on that, I would be tempted to agree. It's magnificent from start to finish. I love the pacing, I love the music, I love the character arcs.
