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The Devil Wears Prada (2006) Dir: David Frankel

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This David Frankel directed film is perhaps one of the most renowned and recognisable "chick flicks" of the Twenty First Century.

Based on the 2003 book of the same name, this film has a lot to love, not least because of the very entertaining and well crafted narrative that both entertains and develops its characters remarkably. Visually, it is relatively simple, yet remarkably effective.

Anne Hathaway stars here and, full disclosure, I am not normally a fan of her acting. However, she delivered one of her career best performances here, without a shadow of a doubt.

Another star in Meryl Streep gives an incredible performance that has since passed into acting legend. She truly is one of the greatest actors of all time.

Emily Blunt deserves some serious credit too for her fantastic performance in one of the key supporting roles.

I also enjoyed the performance of Stanley Tucci, who I think is a very underrated actor.

Finally, mentions also go to Adrian Grenier and Simon Baker, who both give decent performances I their supporting roles.

Overall, I have to say this is a brilliant film, thanks in so small part to the phenomenal cast and some very well crafted writing. This is a must watch, not only for fans of so-called "chick flicks", but honestly, anyone who claims to have a love of films.


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