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The Departed (2006) Dir: Martin Scorsese

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This 2006 crime drama is considered to be one of acclaimed director Martin Scorsese's best films to date. The intricate and suspenseful narrative has been lorded over for years as a quality piece of screenwriting, and you can see why.

The writing is sublime, and allows the film to develop at the perfect pace. The film also features a masterfully filmed twist, which I won't spoil, but will commend its unpredictability and timing.

The characters are all well written, and the performances of the cast make this film just about as good as it could be.

Matt Damon stars here, and while he isn't the most charismatic actor, he is always a consistently good quality casting choice, this film included.

He is however outperformed by the iconic and immensely talented Leonardo DiCaprio, who gives in a really underrated performance in his personal filmography.

Jack Nicholson is another big time actor who is brilliant here - his arrogant and sinister laughs and smiles are superb. His facial expressions are always some of the best you will find in cinema.

Vera Farmiga continues to show why she is truly an underrated actress here, even in a supporting role she manages to produce an excellent performance here. One of the best of the whole film.

Another decent supporting character comes from Mark Wahlberg, who I sometimes am not a fan of, but here he suits his character perfectly, and performs as such.

Finally, I'll mention Martin Sheen, who also gives a note worthy performance in a slightly smaller supporting role.

Overall, this turned out to be an excellent crime film from a man who loves to direct crime dramas in Scorsese. It is a must watch for fans of the director, and deserves to be talked about a lot more than it is today.


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