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Se7en (1995) Dir: David Fincher

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This true crime thriller has to be considered one of the best films of the 90s for me. Director David Fincher, known for Fight Club among other things, is immensely adept at building suspense, creating a dark aesthetic and forming intricate narratives.

Full disclosure, this is not the first time I've watched this one. The story is so well crafted, with twists and turns forming with intense and suspenseful efficiency.

The explicit nature of the film fits its purpose excellently, with the gore and harrowing themes bringing a remarkable sense of realism to the film that isn't always achieved in thrillers such as this.

The soundtrack to this film also fits perfectly, blending classical compositions with more modern songs, including music from Nine Inch Nails.

Brad Pitt displays his character's hot headed nature perfectly, and plays off the quieter, more experienced head of Morgan Freeman - both men are absolutely superb in their roles.

Now, the next man I'm going to mention is a controversial one, and rightfully so. For those who don't know who I'm referring to, Kevin Spacey, who was a big actor in the 90s and 2000s, destroyed his legacy with some heinous and disgusting behaviours that rightfully saw his career swept away.

That said, he has a very prevalent role in this, and it's difficult to ignore him here. There is no denying he is a talented actor, but seeing him now makes me uncomfortable.

Back to less negative points. Gwyneth Paltrow is excellent in her supporting role, she is very easy to become attached to here.

Overall, I think this is easily the best David Fincher film - it is so exceptionally constructed and the pacing is near perfect. And the story culminates with one of the most clever and iconic endings in cinema history. It is truly a brilliant film.


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