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Schumacher (2021) Dir: Hanns-Bruno Kammertöns

Letterboxd post:

This was a gut-wrenching documentary to watch as a Formula 1 fan. Michael was and is one of my racing idols - so hearing how the harrowing incident that changed his life forever has affected those around him is truly heartbreaking.

The insights and information featured, whilst fairly limited due to the privacy of the Schumacher family, was intriguing yet sad.

But the fact that Formula 1 fans are able to watch Michael's talented son Mick race now is at least somewhat redeeming.

That said, it is truly devastating that Mick will never be able to share his career highs with his hero and father.

I genuinely hope hope Michael's legacy lives on as it deserves to and is built upon by Mick. It's what he deserves as one of the GOATs of the sport.

This was a very well made documentary, but there is doubting that it isn't the easiest watch emotionally, especially for fans of the Schumacher families.


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