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Punisher: Season 2 (2019) Dir: Tom Shankland

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So this follow up season delves deeper into the psychology of its characters and follows up on the narratives constructed in the prior season. I think it's fair to say it isn't as strong as season one. It's still pretty damn good though.

This season has two key narrative arcs. One of them started strong, before seemingly falling off for a while, although it does make its way back to where it needs to be by the last few episodes.

The other key arc is more solid, and is consistent with the brutal and dark themes of the first season. The series as a whole also does not shy away from the violence of the action scenes that made season one so intense, which I personally see as one of its strengths.

John Bernthal once again returns as Frank Castle, and unsurprisingly delivers a serious and tenacious performance.

I think Ben Barnes did a stellar job of bringing his character's development and arc full circle with a profound performance throughout the series.

Also returning in prominent roles are James R. Moore and Amber Rose Revah, who were arguably my favourite characters of this entire series, season one included.

The stand out new character was easily that of Giorgia Whigham, who especially excelled in her character's more emptional scenes.

Another introduction comes from Floriana Lima, whose character is a bit odd, and probably one of the weaker ones writing-wise - that said I still enjoyed her acting performances.

Finally it is definitely worth mentioning Josh Syewart, who displayed the duality of his character very well in my view.

Overall, I have really enjoyed this series, I think it would be easy to want more, but truthfully I think two series was enough.

The stories pretty much tie up all their loose ends and I did not really feel like there was more story to tell beyond this.

I think any fans of intense action, as well as the comic book character of Castle, will easily enjoy this.


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