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Pacific Rim (2013) Dir: Guillermo del Toro

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My continued recent interest in the monster film genre lead me to watching this 2013 sci-fi film.

First thing is first, it is quite possibly the least Guillermo del Toro film I've watched - I had no clue he directed until I saw the credits. The only obvious hints were the use of fantastical creatures and a dark filter for the majority of the runtime.

The narrative was functional, by no means anything overly special, but it fulfills its purpose. The action scenes were well shot and thrilling - they were easily the highlights as you'd imagine.

Charlie Hunnam stars here, and while he is not the most charismatic, he is fairly good here. I think I've seen him be better in other films though.

Idris Elba brings his suave and professional aura to his supporting role excellently - he was well cast.

Rinko Kikuchi has moments of quality mixed in with mediocrity here. I really wanted to like her character but sometimes she got a little irritating.

Charlie Day was a slightly odd casting, though not a bad one. He brings his trademark silly, over the top exuberance to this role, making for one of the more enjoyable and interesting characters.

Finally, Ron Perlman gives a good performance for an intriguing characters in the film. I actually wish he had a little more screentime honestly.

Overall, this is a fun and action packed science fiction film which uses its monster antagonists well to frame its relatively average story. The action is well worth sitting down and giving this a watch in my opinion.


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