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Lights Out (2016) Dir: David F. Sandberg

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It's been a while since I've watched a proper horror film, let alone reviewed one - for whatever reason I just don't get to them often. As such, I was hoping this one would be suitably scary.

Inevitably, some people will be less effected than others, and in this instance I was surprisingly jumpy. This James Wan produced film has its fair share of jump scares and bog-standard horror tactics, but that is to be expected.

I thought it did a pretty decent job of creating suspense and discomfort for the audience. It wasn't the scariest film ever, but it works well enough I'd say.

David F. Sandberg directs this one and I think he did a pretty good job to build enough of a story to serve the film beyond the scares.

Teresa Palmer gives the best performance here, I thought she was pretty believable for the most part.

Gabriel Bateman had moments of quality, but had a couple of minor wobbles.

Maria Bello felt like she should've had a little more screentime, but ultimately it doesn't really take away from the film.

Finally, Alexander DiPersia was a little mediocre but enjoyable enough in his more supporting role.

Overall, I have to say this was pretty freaky, though it perhaps relies more on the score and cheap scare tactics than proper suspense or tension to frighten its audience.


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