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Liar Liar (1997) Dir: Tom Shadyac

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Growing up I was never really a fan of Jim Carrey, but in the last year or two I've really started to enjoy his films a lot more. Yes he's over the top and goofy, but for whatever reason I'm finding it so much more funny now.

And this Tom Shadyac directed comedy is no different. I have to admit, I haven't laughed this hard watching a film in a long time. It was genuinely very funny and it had just the right amount of Carrey's trademark overracting.

The film had a heartwarming, wholesome story to go along with the laughs too, which made for a very easy watch.

As illuded to, Jim Carrey stars here and absolutely steals the show. The film is obviously shaped entirely around him and his semi improvised comedy, which he aces here.

Maura Tierney made for a likeable supporting character who managed to provide a more stable side to the film compared to Carrey's wild antics.

A young Justin Cooper is adorable as Carrey's son, and does well considering his age.

Fans of the Chucky franchise will know Jennifer Tilly, but here she plays a very funny sleazy woman who you can't help but almost like.

Overall, I really loved this film a lot more than I was expecting to, it was just so much fun to watch. At approximately 90 minutes, it is also a reasonably quick watch for a feature film. It is well worth taking the time to check this one out.


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