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Kong: Skull Island (2017) Dir: Jordan Vogt-Roberts

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It's been ages since I've watched a proper monster film, and this Jordan Vogt-Roberts directed film being on netflix was the perfect opportunity for me to jump back into the genre. There was a lot to enjoy here, but also some really quite frankly irritating features too.

My biggest irk here was the terrible filter used. It made the film look cheap and tacky for the majority of its run-time. However, there were a couple of really gorgeous shots and scenes dotted throughout.

The narrative was pretty standard of King Kong films, though I'm not complaining. It had some strong points and weak points - either way, it was more fun than not.

That said, most of the comedic moments fell flat on their face. I honestly wish they hadn't bothered. Although, I will give credit to one scene, which I will describe as the dumbest but most hilarious movie death I've seen maybe ever. I laughed very loudly.

The action scenes were epic and grand, as was demanded by the film's genre. The film infused a couple of horror genre moments which really worked too.

Tom Hiddleston had an up and down performance here, his acting went from good to bad almost scene to scene - althoigh that was true of basically everyone here.

Samuel L. Jackson makes for an entertaining, if not unique, antagonist - though I wouldn't call this a great performance.

Brie Larson probably gives the best performance here, but that isn't saying a lot. She was good, not amazing.

It was nice to see John Goodman, though his character seemed to become less and less important.

The worst casting here was that of John C. Reilly, although he had a few good moments.

Finally, because this film has a big supporting cast, I'll only mention Shea Whigham and Marc Evan Jackson. Whigham overracted but had one really good scene, and Jackson, who fans of Brooklyn Nine-Nine will know as Kevin, was a really jarring casting choice.

Overall, this film has a lot of pros and cons - I think if you don't think too hard about the film, you'll enjoy it.


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