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I Am Groot (2022) Dir: Kirsten Lepore

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I expected this to be a series, rather than the anthology of shorts it actually was. That was fine with me though, the only issue with it is that they are all separate on Disney Plus, instead of being compiled together in a limited series.

However, beyond that minor point, the actual shorts were cute. Each one only spanned about 5 minutes, and told very quick stories that have no impact narratively beyond the episodes themselves.

The episodes have no required watch order, but there is a soft order you can follow; 'Groot's First Steps', 'The Little Guy', 'Groot's Pursuit', 'Groot Takes a Bath' and 'Magnum Opus'. They may all be inconsequential as far as the MCU goes, but that doesn't matter.

They've been made for fun, and that's exactly what they are. It takes less than 30 minutes to watch all of these, so it's such an easy watch. Out of these shorts, my personal favourites were 'The Little Guy' and 'Groot Takes A Bath'.

Vin Diesel voices Groot, as he has done in all of the character's appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. One of the episodes even features a brief voice cameo from Bradley Cooper, which was a nice touch.

Overall, these are quick to get through, super easy to watch and very fun. You can even watch these without having seen any of other Marvel content to be honest - each episode is almost guaranteed to put a smile on your face.


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