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Heathers (1989) Dir: Michael Lehmann

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This 80s cult classic has become iconiclised in pop culture thanks to its cooky comedy and memorable story.

It's another one I had missed for too long, purely by chance and lack of real opportunity. Having finally watched it, I have to say it was really entertaining.

The narrative is quite over the top, but in a really fun way. It feeds the comedic aspect of the film very well, allowing for a lot of genuine laughs. There are some more dramatic moments too, but the overall feel of the film means they don't get too dark or deep.

The music is of the era, another positive in my books. The 80s knew how to do a soundtrack. The soft filter also allows the film to have what seems to be a dream like feel.

Winona Ryder stars here and shows off her natural charisma which has made her so popular for decades. She is highly entertaining and enjoyable throughout this one.

Also starring here is Christian Slater, who gives a fun, overly dramatic performance as the typical mysterious and edgy new kid at school - you can definitely see why that character type became such a popular trope in later years.

No one else really has a substantial role, but Kim Walker, Lisanne Falk, Shannen Dohery and Carrie Lynn are all worthy enough of note. Each bringing a decent level of personality to their respective characters.

Overall, I think this one is a really fun film that deserves its classic status in cinema history.

Director Michael Lehmann created a piece that has since spawned a highly popular musical of the same name, which goes to show how well this film has gone down with audiences over the years.


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