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Hawkeye (2021) Dir: Rhys Thomas (also Bert & Ernie)

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So I've been working my way through the various new marvel content, bit by bit. I don't like to watch it all in one go because, quite frankly, the so-called Marvel formula gets boring quick. This series is unsurprisingly a Kevin Feige production - he tends to handle the majority of the MCU projects these days. At least from my perspective.

This, like the others that have been released This year, has its pros and cons. The comedy is a perfect example - the jokes either land hilariously or awkwardly. There were also some wholesome moments, though at times these were inevitably a little tropy in nature. The fighting is so overly choreographed, it's too much like a performance of a fight as opposed to an actual one - something all marvel films are guilty of in my view. The series is also, slightly randomly, Christmas themed. That's not a criticism or anything, I just didn't really see why it was overly necessary. The overarching story is okay, it's nothing special - much like the other Marvel series from 2021. Jeremy Renner, of course, plays Hawkeye - the series manages to further build his character from the foundations given to us in the Avengers films.

Hailee Steinfield is alright as Kate Bishop, she had some good deliveries of lines, but then some slightly cheesy ones too. Vera Farmiga also appears in this series in a supporting role - horror fans will recognise her from the Conjuring franchise. Florence Pugh returns to Marvel to further her character's development, I quite enjoyed her dry delivery on some of her lines. Linda Cardellini continues to be a steady supporting character as Laura Barton, again growing from the Avengers films. And finally I'll mention Alaqua Cox, who's character and subsequent performance was intriguing and enjoyable. I quite like that disability is a focus of this series in a number of ways - it doesn't alienate less abled people, nor does it glamourise them - it was just a nice added feature for me. Overall, much like the other new MCU series, this does pretty much what it needs to do with the story and not much else. It's a fun watch, particularly for Marvel fans of course, but equally to more casual viewers who maybe stumbled upon it by chance on Disney Plus.


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