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Forrest Gump (1994) Dir: Robert Zemeckis

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This film is one of the most recognisable and well known films in Western cinema history. The film has transcended its genre of pop culture and broke through into the mainstream. Everyone knows about this, even if they haven't seen it.

And until recently, I was one of those few who hadn't yet. Being totally honest, I knew most of the story before I watched this, but that didn't detract from my enjoyment. There are some hilarious comedic moments, heart-wrenching sad ones and wonderfully meaningful ones.

Tom Hanks stars as one of the most recognisable and iconic characters in cinema, and absolutely aces this performance. Sometimes, he has a tendency to be a little samey, but here he shows a pleasantly unique side of his acting.

Robin Wright had a very complex character to portray, and I think she did immensely well with it. I thought she managed to portray the complicated nature of her character's life very effectively.

Gary Sinise executes the 3 distinct sides of his character immaculately, his performance was highly commendable. Finally, Sally Field gives a heartwarming and endearing performance in her supporting role.

Truthfully, it is easy to see why so many people adore this film. It really is one of those films that will be talked about and watched forever.


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