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Cast Away (2000) Dir: Robert Zemeckis

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This is considered to be one of Tom Hanks' most iconic roles (behind Forrest Gump), and for good reason. Hanks and acclaimed director Robert Zemeckis create some truly unforgettable moments from what could have been a rather boring affair.

Instead, this film manages to make a volleyball a tremendously memorable and iconic character. The narrative is admittedly predictable, but I don't think that takes away hugely - its more important to enjoy the journey of the story, rather than hoping for some shock ending.

Tom Hanks stars as mentioned, and provides a very good performance. He has a huge amount of screentime, and not only that, for the majority of the film, he is the sole actor involved - which is not an easy performance to produce. And yet, Hanks was superb - he needed no costar to feed off and that is testament to his famed acting abilities.

In their substantially small roles by comparison, both Helen Hunt and Nick Searcy give good performances, though as you can imagine, they have very little to do.

Overall, this film relies on its star to carry the plot, and with the safe and consistent hands of Tom Hanks, this film becomes a fascinating and well crafted tale of isolation and adaptation.

Zemeckis makes sure that there is plenty of action to keep audience's attention and delivers a classic film talked about for many years to come.


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