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Captain Phillips (2013) Dir: Paul Greengrass

Letterboxd post:

I actually saw the second half of this film a few months ago, but never got round to watching the first half until now.

Tom Hanks continues to show his immense ability to make characters feel real, something few other actors can do anywhere near as well.

He does this particularly end in the last 30 or so minutes of the film, which, by the way, are genuinely superbly acted and filmed.

Credit should also be given do Barkhad Abdi for his phenomenal portrayal of Abduwali Muse (the main pirate).

The story is a retelling of real events that took place in April 2009. I think the film manages to create a compelling sense of tension and danger in the narrative.

I also think the film does well to humanise most of the characters involved, including two of the pirates.

You find yourself almost accidentally sympathising with them at times, which for me is a sign of good acting and good storytelling.


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