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Big Panda And Tiny Dragon (2020) By James Norbury

Sometimes, my head is just like this storm", said the Tiny Dragon. "If you listen carefully", said the Great Panda, "you will ear the raindrops hitting the rock. Even in a storm it is possible to find a little peace."

From the gorgeous illustrations, to the beautiful, yet brief, interactions between the characters, there is so much love to be found within these pages. It may be a very short book, as far as word-count, but it is so rich in meaning and thought, that every word and image is worth a hundred.

"I give up" said Tiny Dragon. "That's OK," said Big Panda. "We'll try again tomorrow."

The art takes up the majority of the space, but each piece carries as much meaning as the little dialogue extracts and phrases that accompany them. They are short and simple, but carry heart and warmth in abundance.

"A cherry tree doesn't compare itself to other trees," said Big Panda, "it just blossoms."

This will be the easiest book I ever read, not just because of how short it is, but because of how enjoyable, light and genuinely comforting each and every page feels to comprehend. It is impossible not to feel the warmth of these pages.

"It's a shame we didn't plant this tree a long time ago," said Tiny Dragon. "Imagine how big it would be." ... "We're doing it now," said Big Panda. "That's the important thing."

James Norbury has created a wondeful, poignant and easy-to-read little book that has warmed my heart in so many ways. I could happily sit and read a thousand more pages of this, especially if the art was of the same stunning nature.

"I wish this moment could last for ever," said Tiny Dragon. "This moment is all there is," smiled Big Panda.


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