Avatar: The Last Airbender - Book 2: Earth (2006) Cre: Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzko

Having watched and enjoyed the first season, or 'book', of this wonderful and beloved animated series, I was excited to revisit the second of these 'books'. One great thing about this show has been how easy it is to watch, not just in isolation, but in 'binging' so-to-speak. It's a great show to watch a few episodes at a time of, which is something I did multiple times.

Unsurprisingly, the series maintained its sense of innocence and fun, which made its debut season so enjoyable. It was so easy to watch the story unfold, thanks to the show's likable characters, pretty animation, interesting settings, and entertaining adventures. That said, the show also included some genuinely quite heartfelt moments; the episode from Appa's pov was genuinely quite sad.

I loved that all of the key characters had their own arcs, and even their own featured episodes, which helped to give them all that much more depth and purpose throughout the show. I think it's credit to the show's writer's that even some of the antagonistic characters are given proper arcs, which give them empathetic moments.

Overall, this was, as I had hoped and expected, another great series of episodes, full of a great many enjoyable little moments. It's been so good to see the journey of Aang and his friends unfold properly as an adult. There's been some elements that I remember, but the vast majority has felt new and exciting, which has been both refreshing and enjoyable.
