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Avatar (2009) Dir: James Cameron

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Here it is, the highest grossing film of all-time. James Cameron's cinema-defining visual spectacular. The film that kicked off a massive, albeit brief, explosion of 3D films, and a hugely overrated and woefully misinformed bore of a film.

That's right, I think this film is terrible. The visuals, while good for 2009, didn't exactly come across as revolutionary to me, even when I first watched this in around 2012.

The story is problematic and wreaks of the white saviour complex and appropriation of aboriginal cultures, with easy comparisons to another problematic film in Disney's Pocahontas.

Furthermore, the film's protagonist, played by Sam Worthington, is so dull and uncharismatic. He is the antipathy of a memorable main character, in my view.

Even 11 year old Ridley disliked this film. I could not see why this was so popular, and, in truth, I still can't see why.

The only huge plus of this science fiction epic, is without a doubt the performance of Zoe Saldaña. She fully committed to her character, with a ferocity and passion that was truly special to see.

Science fiction icon Sigourney Weaver has a strong showing in her supporting role, she provides one of the more intriguing characters of the film.

Stephen Lang's antagonist is disappointing and tiresome, with a very generic personality and purpose to oppose the protagonists of the story.

The other noteworthy performances came from Michelle Rodriguez, Laz Alonso and Giovanni Ribisi, who were good, if not overly memorable.

Overall, this film wondered into problematic territory rather blindly, and failed to tell a truly meaningful or entertaining story, instead relying on its visuals to draw viewers in. That may be enough for some, but not for me.


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